ZZZ Внимание! ZZZ. Наши отделения в ДНР и ЛНР подвергаются массированной атаке со стороны нацистов, вставших под ружье бок о бок с росдистами. Эти грязные махинации инспирированы мировым правительством и, конечно, они играют на руку русофобскому руководству секты РоСД. По этой причине московское отделение Anti-RoSD переименовано Anti-RoZD!

Нацисты не успокаиваются и продолжают свои атаки на Анти-РоZД, в том числе вербальные.

Пожалуйста, перечисляйте Ваши пожертвования по адресу: 1CSutineo7GCyzkwnMGufFeABwsytihZzh

Александра Филонова Alexandra Filonova

They are sexual monsters, not people


The monsters from the RoSD sect use proven rhetoric to lure you into a network of lies. Usually young people fall prey to this propaganda. They still have no life experience and therefore they are easily amenable to sweet promises..

As you know, for young people the greatest attractiveness is all that is associated with idle entertainment. Instead of love for the Motherland, young men and women easily follow the lead of base instincts. Anyone who gives them what they want can manage youth. Sex, alcohol, drugs - these are the three foundations on which the building of the betrayal of the Motherland is built. In place of patriotism comes animal sex and rampant drunkenness.

Destructive sects have long used this in their work. Offering young people the sex and entertainment, they are quietly subdued the whole of human culture.

One entertainment is replaced by another. Outdated pleasures are replaced by stronger ones. Ordinary sex turns into voluptuous perversions. So the family is destroyed. This is how the psyche of young people is destroyed. So they are pushed to betray the Motherland.

In the disgusting instructions that are distributed by RoSD activists, you can read the following.

ZPK girl and the 0th person view

There is no man or woman: at heart we are just mechanisms

Modern psychology teaches that male and female qualities are equally distributed in men and women. A harmonious man combines male and female, but modern culture, to a large extent inheriting the so-called religious values ​​and Puritan morality, requires us to adhere to strict gender models.

If you are a man, then behave like a man, and if you are a woman, then sit in the kitchen, watch entertaining TV shows and take your children to the kindergarten. Moreover, the matter is not limited to behavioral models. You are ordered to think and experience emotions only in a way that matches strict gender stereotypes!

Meanwhile, psychology teaches that this is the reason for many mental illnesses. Ancient traditional doctrines say the same thing, starting with shamanism. There is nothing unnatural for a shaman to occupy a woman and control her body. He does not feel false shame because, being in a female body, he behaves and thinks like a woman.

Every man should at least once a day carry out gender reassignment exercises. For this, you can use modern computer technology. Using high-performance equipment, the user has the opportunity to see a woman in real time.

But to see a woman is not the end of the job. In the end, it can be seen on TV, and even on the street. If you have a woman in your house, then you can ask her to appear. But these are obsolete techniques that are no longer relevant today.

You probably asked yourself what kind of computer games there are in which you can not only play for a charming heroine, but also consider his amazing body in the first person.

In fact, there are not so many such games, because developers in most cases focus on an undemanding audience. It's no secret that it is easier to make a game without a protagonist model at all. Well, to work out the model of the heroine so that it was pleasant to look at her from the first person perspective or point of view, this, according to many developers, is something not significant.

Meanwhile, there is nothing shameful in demonstrating a beautiful body. If any modern young woman were the heroine of a computer game, she would certainly want you to look at her.

She is particularly intrigued by the opportunity to show herself in the first person, but this is what game developers are depriving of players.

Imagine that you are a woman and want to see yourself in the first person. How to be here? Use real experience interacting with the body? Why, if there is virtual reality?

It would seem that playing with a first-person maiden body demonstration is that reasonable minimum that can satisfy any category of players. However, practice shows that there are very few such games.

RoSD brilliantly solved this problem by proposing at the Enlightenment Center a course of meetings between actualized ZPK girls and novices. This happens in a virtual environment, which is practically indistinguishable from the real one. The practice of exchanging bodies solves a paradoxical problem. If a ZPK-man wants to look at a woman from the first person, then an experienced ZPK girl immediately gives him this opportunity!

What is "Robot?"

The Anti_RoSD Group

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